Internationally, DMT is classified as a Schedule I drug under the United Nations 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, meaning that international trade in DMT is supposed to be closely monitored and its use is supposed to be restricted to scientific research and medical use. Natural materials containing DMT, including Mimosa hostilis, are not regulated under the 1971 Psychotropic Convention. WE DO NOT PROMOTE THE USE OF LEGAL OR ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES

Detailed steps to extract DMT

Video which explains how to extract DMT: 


No lab equipment is needed, NO harsh chemicals like sodium hydroxide (LYE) are used, there are no high temperature reactions, no chance for emulsions, no need to measure pH. Work effort is minimal, yields and purity are high, and it’s easy to do.


Required tools and ingredients:
100 grams powdered or finely shredded mimosa bark.
100 ml of distilled white vinegar with 5% acidity.
80 grams of Calcium Hydroxide or Sodium Carbonate (Pickling lime is fine if Calcium Hydroxide is the only listed ingredient, washing soda is also fine but do not use baking soda which is sodium bicarbonate and will not work.).
600 grams of Heptane or 400g Naphtha (solvent).

Stand mixer (with mixing paddle).
Strong blender or coffee grinder (only if mimosa bark is not finely ground).
Kitchen scale.
Cling wrap.
Two glass pie plates.
Crock pot (any capacity but round is ideal, if yours is oval shaped you will need to block off any gaps after placing a pie plate on top of it).
Mason jar with lid (or other similar glass jar with lid).
Coffee filter.
Photo/lens paper.
Stainless steel or glass funnel.
Stainless steel spoon.
Freezer, on coldest setting.

[Keep all open flames or heating elements well away from your solvent at all times, use proper ventilation when working with solvents (fan to outside) or work outside or in an open garage]

1) Put 100 grams Mimosa bark, powdered or shredded fine (blend with
strong blender if need be) in a mixer with mixing paddle or wire wisk attachment.

2) Add 100ml Distilled White Vinegar plus 1/2 cup (approx 120ml) of boiling hot water to the mixer. Use a silicon spatula (or metal spoon or fork) to scrape down the sides of the bowl periodically to make sure everything is well mixed and not sticking to the sides of the mixer bowl.

3) Use a timer and mix everything for 40 minutes on a slow setting. If mixing by hand, you do not need to mix continuously, but the total time should remain 40 minutes (with periodic hand mixing every 5-10 minutes).

[Note: At this point (before step 4), you can optionally add what is called a "defatting" step to help remove plant oils - this is pretty much required if you are using acacia root bark (ACRB) but generally unnecessary if you are using a quality mimosa root bark. To remove plant oils you would mix 100g of solvent (naphtha would be better than heptane at this stage) with the acidified bark/water solution, then separate the layers by letting it sit until they naturally separate. The proper lab equipment for then removing this solvent is a separatory funnel, but some people try to suck the solvent off using things like a turkey baster, syringe, or siphon. Another option is to filter it all, the solvent with plant oils should pass through the filter while the bark mass is left behind. The solvent will dissolve the plant oils but not the DMT at this stage, so you want to then remove and discard this solvent. You can repeat this procedure to be sure most of the plant oils are removed. If you have acacia bark you may want to look for a TEK specifically designed for it.]

4) Now add 80g of Calcium Hydroxide (often sold as 'pickling lime' just verify CaOH is the only ingredient if you buy it this way) or Sodium Carbonate (sold as 'washing soda').

5) Continue mixing for 10 more minutes, scraping down sides of mixing
bowl to insure all lime is mixed well.

6) Place the bark mix in one of your glass pie dishes and spread it out
evenly, with a stainless steel or silicon instrument. Cover the bark
with cling wrap, careful not to make contact between the cling wrap and
the bark. Then let the bark sit for 1-36 hours, based on what's
convenient for you.

7) Verify the purity of your solvent by placing one drop on a warm clear sheet of glass to make sure it leaves no residue on the glass after it fully evaporates. Any oily or gritty residue is a problem, such solvent should be avoided, but it is normal to see very minor "watermark" type patterns like you would see if you evaporated a drop of tap water (that solvent is fine to use).

8) When you are ready to do a pull, put 500ml (2 cups) of very hot water (you can microwave it for 3 minutes) in a crock pot with the crock pot setting on high (this should either be outdoors in a well-ventilated area or right under a kitchen vent that vents to the outside with the setting on high).

9) Put 100g of naphtha (150g of Heptane) in the mason jar with the lid very lightly on (not tightened). [Note: Some prefer to use as much as 50% less solvent here and just eliminate or greatly shorten the reduction step later which may have some advantages including saving time and solvent, but this is more difficult for a beginner.]

10) Place the mason Jar with the solvent into the crockpot. Then place the
pie dish containing the mimosa bark on top of the crockpot so it serves
as the lid and the bark mix can warm up slightly. Leave both to warm for 10 minutes.

11) Remove the pie plate from the top of the crock pot and set it down
outside somewhere where it is well-ventilated, wiping the bottom with a
towel so it is dry.

12) Add the pre-warmed solvent to the bark mix in the pie plate then place the pie plate back on the top of the crock pot to keep it warm during the pull. It is a good idea to use one hand to hold the edge of the pie plate while using the other hand to stir.

13) Slice and move the bark slowly with a stainless steel spoon so that the solvent has the chance to make contact with all areas of the bark. Solvent should remain clear. Do
this for about 10 minutes if using naphtha, 5 minutes if using heptane (because it rapidly evaporates). Toward the end of this stir period, push the bark mix together and create an empty space for the solvent to flow to.

14) Put the coffee filter in the funnel, pick the bark mix pie plate up, dry the bottom of the plate with a towel, then slowly pour all of the solvent into the funnel, which is placed over the mason jar so that the now DMT rich solvent is back in the mason jar without any of the bark
particles falling in with it.

15) Now place a clean/dry pie plate on top of your crock pot and pour the DMT rich solvent into it. Do not cover this pie plate, this should still be done outside or with kitchen vent on maximum. Watch this very carefully until it is reduced to 10-25 grams (1 to 2 tablespoons). With heptane this will generally only require a few minutes, with naphtha it may take about 30 minutes (if you used less solvent to begin with, the reduction will take less time). [Tip: If you pre-weigh your pie plate and wipe the bottom of the pie plate before weighing again on your kitchen scale you can easily determine when you've hit the target 10-25g range]. Optionally place cheese cloth over the pie plate or put some barrier around it to prevent dust from falling into your solvent).

16) Dry the bottom of the pie dish and cover it tightly with cling wrap, then put the pie dish, tilted at a slight angle, into the freezer set to the coldest setting.

17) Leave in freezer for at least 2-4 hours (it's OK to leave it overnight)
You will know it is ready when the solvent first becomes cloudy and then clear again after crystal formation. You should see white crystals at the bottom, try not to disturb the dish while they are forming.

18) It is highly recommended (but optional) that you rotate the pie plate after the crystals are done forming so that the DMT is out of the solvent, but leave it in the freezer, still tightly covered, for several more hours or overnight- this will pre-dry the DMT.

19) Take the pie dish out of the freezer, and pour all the solvent left in the pie dish into the mason jar, using the stainless steel funnel. Place a lid on this solvent jar and tighten. This solvent could be reused, but it likely contains plant oils and possibly other contaminants so it is preferable to discard it as it will not contain much if any DMT at this point.

20) The DMT crystals should all be in one small area of the pie dish because you put the pie dish in the freezer on an angle.

21) Let the pie dish dry for about two hours in an area where it will not be disturbed. If your room temp is high (above 80), it is better to let it dry in a refridgerator. Using a gentle fan pointed at the DMT is optional any may speed the drying.

22) Scrape the DMT off of the pie plate with a razor.

23) Scrape it onto your photo/lens paper.

24) Weigh the extracted DMT on a milligram scale to determine your yield (tare the scale with a sheet of lens paper on it first for an accurate measurement).

25) Repeat the "pulling process" of extracting DMT from the bark roughly 48 hours from start time, a week from start day, and two weeks from start day. To do this repeat these instructions from step 8. Always store the bark mix tightly covered, at room temperature, but a cool place like a basement is fine (do not refrigerate it).

[NOTE: Pure DMT should be white (crystals can also be clear). Yellow, brown, or reddish colors are signs of contamination, which is typically from plant oils. These can be removed with recrystallization, or just accepted and used as is (some people seem to prefer contaminated DMT, possibly because it's not as strong). If you vape at a low temperature with the right kind of device (such as a dream maker tool), plant oils will generally be left behind and not inhaled. Otherwise, they can result in harsh vapor and lower potency by weight (because the oils are heavy) making dosing more difficult to determine.]